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K Mary Roberts Rinehart 7960K 2023-09-01

She went upstairs to the room that had been her mother's, and took off her

hat She wanted to be alone, to realize what had happened to her She did

not belong to herself anyto be o her half

proratified her sense of romance She was loved, and she

had thrilled to it

But this was different Marriage, that had been but a vision then, loo She had learned the law of co Women who married went down into the

valley of death for their children One must love and be loved very

tenderly to pay for that The scale rew old, and age was not always

lovely This very maternity--was it not fatal to beauty? Visions of

child-bearing wo breasts and relaxed

bodies, came to her That was a part of the price

Harriet was stirring, across the hall Sidney could hear herabout

with flat, inelastic steps

That was the alternative One ht

be, and took the risk Or one stayed single, like Harriet, growing a

little hard, exchanging sliure,