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K Mary Roberts Rinehart 7760K 2023-09-01

Young Howe had been firive up all his bachelor habits with

his wedding day In his indolent, rather selfish way, he was much in love

with his wife

But with the inevitable e

had coain at his face value Grace

had taken him, not for what he was, but for what he seemed to be With

Christine the veil was rent She knew him now--all his small indolences,

his affectations, his weaknesses Later on, like other women since the

world began, she would learn to dissemble, to affect to believe hio It was the ABC of her knowledge

And so, back to Grace six weeks after his wedding day caestion to renew the old relationship, but for coood cheer; Christine was intolerant--he wanted

tolerance; she disapproved of him and showed her disapproval--he wanted

approval He wanted life to be comfortable and cheerful, without

recriminations, a little work and h it was, and founded on a wrong basis, perhaps, deep in his

heart Pal was for happiness; but this happiness must be

of an active sort--not content, which is passive, but enjoyot a car now No taxi working its head off

for us Just a little run over the country roads, eh?"