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Wilson stirred, but he found no adequate words Only a part of what K
said got to him For a moment he was back in a famous clinic, and this man
across from him--it was not believable!
"It's not hard work, and it's safe If Ion it Once I
one It cost me three dollars out of my own pocket But--that's all it
Wilson's voice showed that he was ht you were dead There were all sorts of stories When a year
went by--the Titanic had gone down, and nobody knew but what you were on
it--we gave up I--in June we put up a tablet for you at the college I
went down for the--for the services"
"Let it stay," said K quietly "I'o back I'm Le Moyne now And, for Heaven's sake,
don't be sorry forti way to irritation
"But--when you had everything! Why, good Heavens,about it ever since"