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She made no reply, but opened the door into the cool and, shaded little
parlor He followed her in and closed the door behind him
"I couldn't help it I know I pro with paper dolls--that's the latest"
Tillie sat down suddenly on one of the stiff chairs Her lips were as
white as her face
"I thought, when I saw you--"
"I was afraid you'd think that"
Neither spoke for a moment Tillie's hands twisted nervously in her lap
Mr Schwitter's eyes were fixed on the hich looked back on the
McKee yard
"That spiraea back there's not looking very good If you'll save the cigar
butts around here and put them in water, and spray it, you'll kill the
Tillie found speech at last
"I don't knohy you co along all right; now you co"
Mr Schwitter rose and took a step toward her