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K Mary Roberts Rinehart 7190K 2023-09-01

"All knowledge that is worth while hurts in the getting"

Sidney got up and wandered around the roo its little familiar

objects with tender hands K watched her There was this curious element

in his love for her, that when he ith her it took on the guise of

friendship and deceived even himself It was only in the lonely hours that

it took on truth, becalance fro picked up the minister's picture, replaced it absently, so

that Eve stood revealed in all her pre-apple innocence

"There is so else," she said absently "I cannot talk it over with

irl in the ward--"

"A patient?"

"Yes She is quite pretty She has had typhoid, but she is a little

better She's--not a good person"

"I see"

"At first I couldn't bear to go near her I shivered when I had to

straighten her bed I--I'ot to talk this out

with soh at first I hated

her, now I don't I rather like her"