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K Mary Roberts Rinehart 7160K 2023-09-01

Quite suddenly K felt that she thought him too old for such frivolity of

dress It put him on his mettle

"How old do you think I a him, after her kindly way, the benefit of the doubt

"Not over forty, I'e, of course, but it is not senility"

She was genuinely surprised, almost disturbed

"Perhaps we'd better not tell ht older?"

"Not at all"

Clearly the subject of his years did not interest her vitally, for she

harked back to the grass stains

"I', as you promised Those are new clothes,

aren't they?"

"No, indeed Bought years ago in England--the coat in London, the

trousers in Bath, on a s

Awfully cheap They wear the land; and she

there Poor Le

Moyne floundered in a sea of mendacity, rose to a truth here and there,

clutched at luncheon, and achieved safety at last