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He had not told her what he knew about Jiht She

would never have understood In her simple and child-like faith she

knew that her boy sat that day a the blessed coiven into whatever lay behind the

veil we call death, had gone shriven and clean before the Judge who knew

the urge of youth and life He did not fear for Jiht, a stooped co at his heels Now and then he spoke to him, for co the side street toward the

Livingstone house And as he looked he sighed Jim and Nina, and now

Elizabeth Jim and Nina were beyond his care now He could do no more

But what could he do for Elizabeth? That, too, wasn't that beyond hiedy of his helplessness, beset by vague

apprehensions Then he went on doggedly, his hands clasped behind hi ti whether he and Dick

had been quite fair to Elizabeth She should, he thought, have been

told Then, if Dick's apprehensions were justified, she would have had

so turned up out there,

soaret was sleeping, but after a time she moved and

slipped her hand into his It comforted him That, too, was life Very

soon now they would be alone together again, as in the early days before

the children cale, and then back where

they started But still, thank God, hand in hand