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The carriage stopped before a handsoot out, gave the driver his fare, and rang the

concierge's bell The sleepy guardian opened the door, touched his

gold-braided cap in recognition, and led the way to the s woman entered and familiarly pushed the button The

apartment in which she lived was on the second floor; and there was luxury

everywhere, but luxury subdued and chars on the floors, exquisite oils and water-colors on the walls;

and rare Japanese silk tapestries hung between the doors In one corner of

the living-room was a bronze jar filled with artificial cherry blosso a flat bell-shaped piece of brass--a

Bur the mantel-top;

celebrities, musical, artistic and literary, each accoraphic ink

She threw aside her hat and wraps with that uishes the artistic temperament fro-rooht wine She ate and drank, while inter satisfied her hunger, she opened her purse

and extracted the bank-note She shed aloud

"Oh, if only he had taken ain

withup, as if inspired, and dashed into another room, a