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So of Value

It was hours later now after e with Keturah and faced with the current situation I wished that ti a face-off of sorts I let rily I stifledand focused on the task at hand

In a tone that had no bend in it Flynn said, "I call dibs on the big battle wagon!"

"Well that's fine! I don't want that one anyway" Matt stated with equal tenacity

Flynn appeared shocked and it was reflected in his tone when he asked, "You don't want the big one?"

"And give up speed and rotational calibration I think not! No the son as you put it will fitbefore anything else was agreed upon, "Well then that settles it Flynn captains the big gunner Ortega you un crews Matt will take the smaller ship, while Serena and Christina will accoest that you practice your gunnery crews for at least soth of time before we ship off tomorrow"

Everyone nodded in consensus and the large group broke up into sate a surprised Keturah quickly out of the eyes of the others into a hidden doorway

Pressing her back up against the door I asked, "Could you please explain this intoxicating effect that you have on me and the need to always have more that you so innocently inspire?"

Her ainst the wooden doorcaptive Her eyes were a tease as her hands rose to encircle the back of ive you the solution" She said seductively

Husky voiced I said, "I do believe that you've graduated"

Her eyes iatively and said, "Soon"

She sighed, but then rose up on her toes to say against my lips, "Then if this is all I can have for now then this I will take, but I want more Eli! So much more!" She breathed out as her lips pressed over mine with renewed passion


Matt caught up with Elizabeth as she was e platform, "Elizabeth could I have a ith you?"