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The Children

I had a plan A wild hope, that is, at least

I'd had a backup plan prearranged with Flynn Instead of running back through the forest I dodged down through the ruins toward the beach that was nearby I thanked God as I saw the s offshore under anchor

If we hadn't come back to the dock in time Flynn was to leave the Celestia's Prize's life rafts stationed off of the North, East, West sides of the island The Celestia's Prize had two air boats and one six foot dinghy It was the dinghy I saw offshore bobbing as its white paint glea to reach it with Christina unconscious?

I was a strong swi I heard noise and I turned prepared to defend Christina or risk the swim if need be

I relaxed as I saas Ji Matt looked co Sans of pursuit, which was odd

"Aren't they following you?" I exclaiatively as he was still too out of breath to speak, but Jim mumbled out "I think they'll want to finish the rite first"

He was probably right I helped steady him as he looked about to fall and Matt helped him to sit down on the sand and then I laid Christina down so that her head was resting on his lap

"You guys stay here I'll swi into the surf, until I had to swi adventure ever since we'd landed in this inner world and I was tired, but the prospect offor the dinghy in record fashion

Reaching it I barely had the energy to pull h side I fell into the boat cracking my head painfully off the bottom

I crawled aft and pulled in the anchor buoy Then I pulled the cord to the little prop engine and it fired to life faithfully

I cut the rudder over and let the throttle all the way open as I ai up in the shalloatched Ji Christina as Matt protested for hi into the surf every step looking like it cost him a year of his life, but he held Christina's head above the waves