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As i sat in the back of the cab a h my mind, as lyndon there?? why did jhayce had to hit him i could have handled that on my onand worst, why didnt he show any reized for the blood spill I was lost in hts until the cab driver yeld to me which lane to take

’Oh, take your next left’

I paid the driver an exited the vehicle still poundering on the actions that took place i couldn’t coer in the air I quickly searched for my keys to my wooden apartment door and as it opened i pushed my way inside I made my way to the bathroom and ran myself a war day of excitement

After a well needed bath i looked in hties, estheht back in high school, you should always hold your first band crush close to your heart

’knock, knock’


I opened the door to find jhayce standing invery heavily my feet bacah his thin shirt, his arasp as he grabsevery inch ofas his left palm fundles my breast my nipples quickly stiffens as a response to his touch