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“Right now, I’d consider just about anywhere”
“What about that place near the school?”
“No dogs”
He tossed out several more names and met with the same terse reply No He could understand her irritation “I’ you to the Courtyard”
“Where I live is hed “It will just be for a little while anyway I’ll start looking for a house coed hera house He didn’t ask Instead, he said, “There has to be someplace better, even if it is only temporary”
She frowned, her pixyish face set inat places that won’t even consider me”
But that was exactly what they did Over the next several hours they visited every apartment complex, room for rent and house for rent in the nearby county No one wanted to rent to a wooat
Grant would not back down and take her to the Courtyard They argued about it again when they ran out of alternatives
“Zoe, living in a place like the Courtyard is not an option I used my cellphone to call the Sheriff’s office while you were talking to that couple about the duplex They get calls to the Courtyard at least once a week”
She glared at hi any disturbances”
“Don’t be stubborn” He knew he had hit rock-bottouments when he asked, “What would your parents think?”
Her silence spoke withmatch