Page 26 (1/2)
“Ha ha, very funny”
“Okay, okay Forget boyfriends and girlfriends You have to love someone Everyone does Tell me about the most important person in your life”
I didn’t hesitate with that answer; there was no need to think about it “My grand a word
I held ” She continued staring atto decide if you’re being a sYou want respect and I’ll give that to you I also will never lie to you I hate liars Loathe them, actually I don’t ’ lies, but like real ones If you ask me a question and I don’t want to answer it, I’ll tell you If I want to answer it, I will”
“Fair enough” She nodded once “Now tell randht about randma “Well, I call her Gam, actually When I was little, I couldn’t say Grandma so I called her Gamma, and over time, the end just fell off, so now she’s Gam Anyway, she’s my father’s ”
“Wow” She bit the corner of her lip as she s “I’uesses, I don’t know that I ever would have pegged you as a grand, I smiled back “I’ll wear that label proudly”
“Good, you should Tell me more about her”
“Well, she’s old… and sarcastic as hell She drinks more whiskey than anyone I know and yells at squirrels all day long She’s a trip”
“Sounds like it” She laughed “And you’re closest to her? What did you mean your only ‘real family’? Have the rest all passed on?”
I shook my head “No, my parents are both still alive, but I’m an only child Once you have perfection, why try to duplicate it, right?”
“Oh, naturally,” she agreed sarcastically “So wait… your parents are both alive, yet you said your grandmother was your only ‘real family’ What does that mean?”
“Next,” I barked
“Fine Let’s talk about your relationships with females Have you ever been married?”
“Fuck no!”
“Do you ever want to be ant asshole, Ashton Kutcher, I’uess I’m destined to be a bachelor forever” I stuck my bottom lip out and pouted at her draain, with less sarcases to no, I don’t want to be married”
She tilted her head to the side and crossed her ar up with the sa skin crawl I can’t stand nificant airlfriend?”
“I lived with a girl once, but I was never faithful to her, so I don’t consider that serious And I have one friend who I fucked regularly for over a year Does that count as serious?”
“Maybe” She shrugged “Did you love her?”
“As a friend Not like that”
“Why not?” she pushed
“It wasn’t like that with er tits and a hotter ass She didn’t want coive her more than I wanted to”