Page 44 (1/2)

Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, I thought, getting so frustrated I was ready to screa to hope WAKE UP!

Ryu’s eyes flickered again; he was definitely switching on Suddenly, he was fully awake, staring aton his face

"Good ?"

I had so ot jued froh" sound

"Oh, really? That’s great Is there coffee?" Ryu pushed ently away so he could sit up He made a funny face and his hand went to his crotch "Ow, must have slept funny" He eyed me suspiciously "Why isthe subject "Jimmu was at the bookstore the day you caht ere there He ith all these acadenize hi atabout?"

"I know you’re going to say it’s i to killwas in the bushes and he like hypnotized me, so I couldn’tat this point, so I tried to rein it in "But I got away, and then I saw Morrigan, and she mentioned ‘teams of scientists,’ and I knew I’d seen Jimmu and then I realized where" I took a deep breath "At Read It and Weep"

"Why would Ji his eyes

"Well, he must not have actually been with the I don’t know I didn’t ask him, obviously"

Ryu was unconvinced He shook his head and ran a hand through his hair "I’ll be back in a minute, honey, and then we’ll talk about it"

He went to the bathroohts I needed to tell hi and in a way that actually reasy acade at s, and with his hair colasses on, Jied, now dressed in paja rooht up while I settled myself into our little sofa

"I know it’s hard to believe, but you’ve got to hear me out," I started, before he had even put down the phone I kept talking while he sat down next toa bunch of academics caaveat ht at the Sty After the thing with Stuart, when you went out to check that the parking lot was clear, I aiting by the door and I saw hiain"

Ryu was listening, as I’d asked hied ahead, anyway "When we got here and I ured I was crazy because obviously I would reht? But then this , I went out to the pool Jimmu surprised , because I don’t think he was expectingtowarddistracted him Anyway, his Mohawk had fallen and he looked evenintently at , if nothing else

"I ran away into the Co, and sheabout tea about what she had said, I realized that if you took out Jis and dressed hilasses, he’d be the guy from the store"

Ryu sat quietly for a

"Ryu," I continued, "I think Jimmu’s the one behind the murders Why else would he be in Rockabill? And it would explain why he’s exhibited such animosity toward me I was next on his list"

Ryu shook his head, as if to clear it of what I’d just said "Jane, if what you’re saying is true, then everything just got seriously co without Jarl’s consent, and Jarl does nothing without the knowledge of Orin and Morrigan"

He watchedfor his words to sink in "So if Jimmu were the murderer, I can’t see how he acted on his own," he concluded "Which would s"

"Fine," I said,"Maybe he’s not theJakes for some other reason, maybe to check up on him for the Alfar But he was definitely in Rockabill I knoas Jiuise"

"I just can’t believe it, Jane" Ryu shook his head "I’, but I can’t believe it was Jimmu I don’t want to believe you--it wouldis true"