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Page 50 (1/2)

Now, the young ht, youth was a relative thing This woht years, was old enough to have a little boy hiding behind her skirts At the saer than the boy

“My lady” The toy in her apron “I would welcoh,” Mahiya said with utentleness in the infor”

“Please, letyou a cup of tea at least” Entreaty in eyes of el from my doorstep without courtesy”

“Thank you Tea would be welcome”

A shaky smile lit up the woman’s face “I have a pot on the stove A o, the little boy found the courage to stay behind, eyes of the sa at Mahiya in wonder

“Hello,” Mahiya said, and since he didn’t bolt, asked, “Why are you not at school?”

His eyes became even rounder, and he sucked his thu further, he withdrew that thu her silence “I’oes to school,” as if to make sure she understood

“Ah,” she said “Will you be old enough soon?”

Lines on his forehead “Not too soon Maybe al back her so to her wings “You ain, he padded out to stand only inches fro her feathers with the frankness of the very young When his mother appeared in the doorway, cup in hand, she went to call hi the tea, she said, “He is smart and brave both”

“Yes” The proud woman beamed, her thin face beautiful “Takes after his father”

Only then did Mahiya ask her question “I saw someone with a toy bear—pink and white, with an e exciteht it may have been your work” Hand sewn and embroidered, the eyes a lovely blue crystal, and the stitch work exquisite

“Do you remember if it had a tiny yellow star on the left foot?”

Mahiya thought back “Yes”

“Then it is mine for certain But I’m sorry, my lady, I don’t have another”

“Oh, that’s a pity Do you keep many?”