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Dest look as they stopped for a red light “Why choose that word?”

“It see there was no way he’d reveal any vulnerability until he trusted her on a level it would take time to develop, she decided to return to their earlier topic of discussion “What about the third va look, he eased the Ferrari onto the bridge “That’s e’re going to see—she’s out in Sta back into Manhattan “It appears she’s been bunkered down in her ho off blood junkies who coh she’d heard “vamp-whore” used to describe those ere addicted to the kiss of a vampire

“Blood junkies coet aroused enough to have sex is if a vampire feeds from either one or both in turn So in effect it’s a threesome—only a subset of the Made finds this even mildly attractive”

Honor nodded “The majority of mortals don’t come close to the beauty bestowed by vaated to being a conduit, not the center”

No old va to see—”

“Jiana She’s not known to be into the junkie scene, but there’s no doubt she’s been indulging lately,” he said, e “Look in the dashboard”

Reaching forward, she opened the coe, glossy black-and-white photographs “When were these taken?”

“Early this ”

The first one was of a fresh-faced twoso call for the “All-A Hand in hand, they walked up the steps of a gracious old ho from the balconies and the world swathed in black

The next shot was of the two leaving the house Both were flushed, their lips swollen, hairwhile the wo a wife does for her husband and vice versa?”

“They have their own subculture,” Do set her head around the idea as Dmitri drove them out of the Bronx into Westchester and toward Connecticut It was as they were passing fro she’d e subculture “I had an e- she felt no dread in spite of the fact that she’d been held and brutalized a bare hour outside of this city—the area was so different as to be on another planet “They’ve already arrested so”