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Fer to an iular teeth, the teeth of a shark

The burnt woushing forth in a torrent, cascading down the sides of the plinth to fill the bowl The burnt woure co forward He was taller, well-built, his scarred face telling of a hard life, though his smile was the same one that cah the back It was still there, the steel head protruding fro over stone as he knelt

“You had a choice” Lyrna knew the words a lie even as they spilled from her lips Harvin, however, seehed as the knife flashed again

“I didn’t do this,” she insisted as the burnt woain “They served ly”

“As they should,” the burnt woods”

Furelah caer in each hand, her face and hair slick with seawater, eye sockets e flesh partly eaten Just before the knife opened her throat a small crab crawled fro at Lyrna as if in accusation

She tore her gaze away from the spectacle, but found no relief The te line of people, a few she knew, most she didn’t The Meldenean archer who had tu at the Teeth, a Seordah woman who had fallen at Varinshold, and so many others Eorhil, Nilsaelins, Cu brine, their flesh partly claimed by the sea

“I HAD NO CHOICE!” she railed at the burnt wo at the plinth

“Choice?” Malcius asked His head was cocked at an obscene angle, though his face was kind, his smile rich in affection and sympathy “Choice is not the province of those who presume to rule,” he told her “The world is yours to make, my sister As I always kneould be Don’t you think it would have been kinder to kill me sooner, before I took the throne? Didn’t it ever occur to you? A small drip of poison in ”

“No,” she said in a whisper “You werefor you”

“You set me free to preside over the destruction of my Realm, the murder of my wife and children” He raised his arms as the burnt woman stepped closer The knife didn’t flash this time, instead she pressed it to his flesh with delicate, even loving tenderness, her other hand cradling his head to her breast

“Do not turn away now, Lyrna,” Malcius said as the blade traced across his throat “For the gods are always thirsty”

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