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She casts a glance around Lorvek’s collection and decides to have it all destroyed the following orated but with a sour edginess The Gifted had been foul indeed, a nondescript man of middle years with the ability to hold a person in place, frozen, i the e them so they could only suffer in silence as he visited all manner of torments upon their flesh He would have been a useful recruit for the Ally, given enough time, but his mind was far too fractured to justify the effort needed He had tried to resist her, soift at her like the flailing invisible hand of an addled drunk She would have laughed at hi haze to fade before returning to enjoy his ie as shewretch deserved little regard and certainly no pity, but the blood had tasted foul as she slashed his throat, fighting a reflexive gag as she forced herself to drink deep, wondering if all the death she had wrought would also taint her blood

She forces theher hts I feel you, beloved, she tells him I know you feelhe is there, but feeling only the depth of his enmity Will you not talk to me? she implores Are you not lonely too? And we have shared so reat divide to lash at her,her wince I fear for you, she persists We know she lives, beloved We know she comes to take the city, and you knohat she will do when she finds you

The anger diuilt

Forget all the nonsense they instilled in you, she begs All the lies they told you The Faith is a child’s illusion, nobility a coward’s mask They are not for such as us, ether I know you did We soared above theain Leave now Run Co to be replaced by an i woht, her brow creased in confusion and regret Her lips h she knows the words with absolute clarity I ain, beloved I cannot e fades, swirling in her mind until it transforms into a voice, hard and cold but blessedly familiar Neither do I

• • •

Theyaround Sollis as he unfurled a recently drawn est an attack in two directions, e along Gate Lane, it’s wide enough for ten men abreast and leads directly to the harbour If successful, you’ll cut the city in two and sow confusion in the enemy’s ranks My brothers, Brother Frentis’s company and the Renfaelin common folk will make for the Blackhold It’s a stout fortress and will provide a place of retreat should the day go against us”

Banders nodded his agreement and turned to address his assembled captains “The odds do not favour us, as you know But we are told Lord Vaelin co so Tell every knight andfroe, no restraint is to be shown, and no lanced at Arendil, adding in a soardless of any entreaties to knightly custo since”

• • •

The four of the for the northern stretch of here the Brinewash eate They crawled slowly for the final halfan irritated kick from Davoka The outlaw had become much stealthier over the months but often had need of a reuarded to allow entry, even if it had been possible to navigate the frothing current that slid over the barrier in a constant rush Instead Frentis led them into the river and followed the wall north They wore thin clothing of light fabric, boots having been abandoned before entering the chill waters, their weapons confined to daggers and swords

The pipe eed froan to arc away fro journey into the heart of the Realm A continual strea stain on the river that had Draker gagging as they swaed the wall, eyes fixed on the parapet above, finding it eh there was the faint murmur of Volarian voices nearby He had discounted this exit when they escaped the city during the invasion given the ease hich archers would have picked thea even a soul as cautious as Blood Rose would seethe wall, hands exploring for holds, but finding nothing

“It’s too slippy, brother,” Draker whispered next to his ear, his large hand scraping moss from the stone