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Chapter 1
It was a good thing Elle Wheaton loved being in charge and ordering people around, because if it wasn’t for the thrill of having both those things in her job description, she absolutely didn’t get paid enough to handle all the idiots in her world "Last night was a disaster," she said
Her boss, not looking nearly as concerned as she, shrugged He was s and one of the in which they stood, located in the Cow Hollow district of San Francisco A detail he preferred to keep to himself
In fact, only one person besides herself knew his identity, but as the building’s general o-between The calh what had happened last night had momentarily shaken some of her calm
"I have faith in you," he said
She slid him a look "In other words, ‘Fix it, Elle, because I don’t want to be bothered about it’"
"Well, and that," he said with a slasses further up on his nose
She refused to be chareeks and, yes, they were best friends and she loved him, but in her world, love had limits "Maybe I should recap the disaster for you," she said "First, the little lights in every eht So when Mrs Winslowe in 3D went to take her geriatric dog to do his business, she couldn’t see the stairwell Cut to Mr Nottingha out of hispoo"
"You can’t
Elle crossed her arha an ambulance ride and a possible lawsuit And you’re aolf balls if you let it Gotta find the fun sohaetaway and he can take his girlfriend or his wife--or both if he wants We’ll ht" Spence smiled at her snort "Get yourself some caffeine You look like you’re down a pint"
"My life isn’t noret norreen stuff you can’t survive without"
"It’s just tea, you weirdo And I could totally survive without it if I needed to" She paused "I just can’t guarantee anyone else’s safety"
"Exactly, so why take chances?"
Elle rolled her eyes She was still taking what had happened last night personally She knew everyone in this building, each and every business on the first and second floor and every tenant on the third and fourth floor, and she felt responsible for all of them
And someone had been hurt on her watch Unacceptable "You do realize that the eency exit system falls under security’s jurisdiction," she said "Which means the security co her line of thought, stopped looking so amused He put down his coffee "No, Elle"