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I nod once, and continue to the door I’ll gather up et back to my apartment, wash the lavender scent of her off e Scotch Then ht She ca to fuck a Do the door behind s of loss and fear rise up inside et, if only for a brief ti fail, because as soon as I got Macey inside that private roo Oliver there didn’t help It didn’t soften the connection I felt with her, didn’t hinderthat it was just her and I, Do together
And then she got her eek But really, I can’t bla her touch her sweet pussy pushed ave her perain, I never expressly forbid it either And da shit together, or there won’t be a next tiht
"What’s for dinner, honey?" Hale asks, letting hi inroom withby tonight, but I didn’t know he’d expect dinner
"Scotch and M&Ms Is that cool?" I say, popping another of the colorful candies into ood idea to buy so ets very few trick-or-treaters, it turns out
Hale ignores my sarcas onto the couch across from me Once settled, he cocks an eyebrow atlike that" Macey moved to her apartment today, and when I offered to help, she said that between her brother and Brielle and Brielle’s friend Kirby, they had it covered
So I sat here and sulked like an asshole all day I never expected her to stay, but the way she left--so abruptly, so easily, refusingabout it set me off The damn woman is independent to her core, and it drives ym and catch up on so down at the candies on the table, Hale frowns at me "Seriously, dude? This is your dinner?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Because we’re not thirteen anymore" He pauses to pick up a piece of candy frohtfully "Brielle cooks She makes sure I eat healthy, well-balanced na and chicken prih to cook for you and make sure you’re fed"
"Don’t tell uess he hasn’t kicked it old school and dined on candy and hard liquor in a while His fucking loss
"Just trying to look out for you is all"