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Page 169 (1/2)

We arced away, across the field To Bryaxis--still fighting Holding the line for Graysen’s men A black cloud that cut a path for the the mortals

We passed Drakon and a black-haired woainst--

Jurian They were fighting Jurian Drakon had an ancient score to settle--and so did Miryam

We whisked by so quickly I couldn’t hear as said, couldn’t see if Jurian was indeed fighting back or trying to fend them off while he explained Mor joined the fray, bloodied and li at them--it was the least of our proble us Without the king, without the Cauldron, they’d still do it The fervor the king had roused in theotten … They’d keep fighting No solution would ever appease the of what they still believed they were entitled to--deserved

There were too many So many And ere all drained

The Cauldron hurtled aithdrawing toward itself

There was a roar of pain--a roar I recognized, even with the different, harrowing form

Rhys Rhys--

He was faltering, he needed help--

The Cauldron sucked back into itself, and I was again atop that rock

Again staring at Airl," she barked "Fight it! "

Rhys was hurt Rhys was being overwhelmed--

I snapped back intobond But with the Cauldron settled into itself … I blinked I could blink

A is dead," I said,to be soon, too"

I’d kill her for this, for betraying us for whatever reason--

"I know," Amren said quietly "And I need you to help o of the Cauldron at the words, but she shook her head

"Don’t break it--the contact I need you to be … a conduit"

"I don’t understand"

"The Suriel--it gave you a e For me Only me"

My brows narrowed

Amren said, "The answer in the Book was no spell of control I lied about that It was … an unbinding spell For e, the screaht I’d need your sisters to help you control the Cauldron, but after you faced the Ouroboros … I knew you could do it Just you And just me Because when you unbind me with the Cauldron’s power, in my real form … I ipe that army away Every last one of them"