Page 92 (1/2)

And ahead of theainst the fleet … the Illyrian lines

So many Rhys had ed them in--all of them The drain on his power …

Mor’s throat bobbed "No one else has con of Ta Court on Hybern’s side, either

A thunderous boo ships--but not many As if … "Rhys’s power is either already nearly spent or … they’ve got soainst it," I said "More of that faebane?"

"Hybern would be stupid not to use it" Her fingers curled and uncurled at her sides Sweat beaded on her te," she murmured "Another war, at soot how terrible it is The sounds The sh above, it was … overwhel into thethe hell I’d unleash there--only to come here To this I prayed she was not in the city proper, prayed she and her nepheere keeping safe

"We’re to go to the palace," Mor said, squaring her shoulders I hadn’t dared break Rhysand’s concentration by opening up a channel in the bond, but it see orders "Soldiers have reached its northern side, and their defenses are surrounded"

I nodded once, and Mor drew her slender, curving blade It gleahtly as Amren’s eyes, that Seraphim steel

I unsheathed my Illyrian blade from across my back, thesilver flaht," Mor said, so down a hall or stairithout assessing first"

I nodded again, at a loss for words My heart beat at a gallop,sweaty Water--I wished I’d had so yourself to ment, "then shield ," I rasped I’d done plenty of it that day in Velaris

Mor assessed the grip I maintained on er We press forward until I say we retreat Leave the wounded to the healers"

None of theone to war and back and had not found it worthy of glorification, had not let itsBut they illing to dive into its hell once again for the sake of Prythian

"Let’s go," I said Every lea palace in the bay

Mor sed once and ed us into the palace

She hout the centuries, because she knehere to arrive

The middle levels of Tarquin’s palace had been communal space between the lower floors that the servants and lesser faeries were shoved into and the shining residential quarters for the High Fae above When I had last seen the vast greeting hall, the light had been clear and white, flitting off the seashell-encrusted walls, dancing along the running rivers built into the floor The sea beyond the towering s had been turquoise mottled with vibrant sapphire

Now that sea was choked with hty ships and blood, the clear skies full of Illyrian warriors swooping down upon thelinted as the Illyrians dove and rose, e each time covered in blood If they returned to the skies at all


We scanned the floor, listening

Franticwith heavy thudding

"They’re barricading themselves into the upper levels," Mor observed asthe lesser fae trapped below With no aid

"Bastards," I breathed