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"Ellery, please, we need to talk about everything," I pleaded
"Why bother? So we can hurt each other again with our words?" she yelled
I put my hand on her face, but she backed away and spoke "My illness is tearing us apart You can’t handle your e each other uish in her eyes "I have a question for you, and I want you to be totally honest with uilt you’ve harbored over the years about your ex-girlfriend?"
The pain that shot through my body when she said that was unbearable I stood there and closeda deep breath Did she really think that? How could she even say so I’ve done and said to her? After everything we’ve been through, she doubts my love for her, and that hurts led with o back to California, and that I remain here," I said as I turned around I couldn’t look at her anymore; it was too painful She walked out of the bedroom and out of my life I dialed my pilot and told him to have the plane ready to fly to California I sent a text to Ellery
"My private plane is waiting to take you back to California Text Denny your location, and he will pick you up"
I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to find Denny sitting at the table
"I took Ashlyn hoes, Connor, but I convinced her otherwise
Ellery has a great right hook," Denny smiled
"Yeah she does, and believe me when I tell you that Ashlyn deserved it," I smiled back "I need you need to take Ellery tofor California"
Denny walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder "You and Ellery are the two most stubborn people on the face of this earth, and you couldn’t be e your relationship with her"
"I appreciate that, Denny, but she doubts my love for her, and it hurts I don’t know if I can be with someone on’t truly believe that I love her"
Denny’s phone beeped "It’s Ellery, and she’s ready to go," he said as squeezed my shoulder "Are you sure this is what you want, Connor?" he asked as he started to walk away
I rubbed my eyes and nodded my head "At least for now, Denny," I said
I walked over to the bar and poured ain, we’re apart, and the pain and anguish in iven up on us? After she questioned ry and almost hurt as bad as when I found out she had cancer I sat on the barstool and stared atto do? I thought as I stared at the ed his life for Ellery Lane
The elevator doors opened, and for a second I thought it was Ellery I turned around as Peyton peeked around the corner
"Hey, Connor, where’s Elle?"
"She’s not here," I gruot up from the barstool and turned to her "I’ll tell you what happened Your best friend doesn’t believe I love her, and she thinks I’ believe that? After everything I’ve done for her and everything I’ve said to her, she has the nerve to doubt my love!" I yelled
"Whoa; calm down, and don’t yell at me, Connor," she said as she put both hands up
"I’m sorry, Peyton I didn’t mean to yell It’s not your fault, and I’avethat has ever happened to Ellery, and she knows it She has had such a hard life that was filled with li bad happens, so she tries to sabotage whatever it is that’sher happy before itin the world, and she’s watched you change your life for her It scares her to death because she thinks you’re going to go away like everything else has in her life"
Peyton had a point, and I understood it "Ellery punched Ashlyn in the face, and knocked her on her ass She told her that if she ever looked at eon couldn’t fix her," I sirl! The one thing about Ellery is you don’tto kick your ass"
"I can see that," I laughed with her "Thanks, Peyton I’ive me and Ellery so to do"
"Well, don’t think too long She needs you, Connor, and you need her I’ll call her later and see how she’s doing Good luck," she said as she patted me on the chest and then walked out
Chapter 23
The next few days had passed by slowly as I worked from home Cassidy called to tell me that she and Camden were in the city for a doctor’s appoint I told her to come by when she was done, and I’d take them to dinner I set my phone down on my desk and headed to the kitchen for a bottle of water As I was co By the tiot back to my desk, it stopped I picked it up and looked at it My heart stopped when it said that I had a missed call from Ellery She left a voicemail I pressed the listen button and closed
"Hi, Connor, it’s Elle I just called to see how you’re doing and how things are going I guess you’re busy, so I’ll talk to you soon; bye" She was reaching out to me I dialed her number and waited impatiently for her to answer
"Hello?" she answered