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I gave a closed-hts caress she’dhurts," she whispered, sounding like Gus She tore her eyes froo back to Boulder? I don’t want to keep you here, fro me"

"Oh, E distance well" I put my hand up to ward her off when she stepped toward me I didn’t want syy she had to keep herself together "Yeah, so I live with Sae next to my class schedule Just call and I’ll be here"

"Ember, I’m sorry you’ve lost so ht?"

"Right Whatever doesn’t kill you" She went back to staring at the calendar

Chapter Nine

I slungover my shoulder and snatched my coffee off the roof of my car Thank God there was a Starbucks between the apart thisthe apart than I expected, but it turned out perfectly It was incredibly freeing to have a place off caulations, or random room checks Plus, Sam as a rooed about us in the last eighteen months, there were at least two that hadn’t

I pulled out , checked the roo my coffee all over my white sweater Score

A quick scan of the room showed a few open seats in the front row I setoff my shoulder to take out es of the eirls dug nail polish or shoes I’d pegged les froy brunette perched on a desk in front of a guy, and if he couldn’t see past the facade dripping off her, then he deserved whatever he got out of that one She threw her head back in laughter

Shit That guy was Josh

His eyes widened as they aze away and tookhorood at 8:30 in the uy was pretty much sex personified twenty-four hours of the day I couldn’t bla on his desk Hell, she showed restraint I’d have been in his damn lap

I didn’t need to look over to know that he had taken the empty seat next to me Keep your eyes forward I would not look over I would not get lost in those brown eyes or remember exactly what those hands were capable of onyou this early in theout of bed, December"

"You and the ‘Dece to admit how much I liked it "You can’t just call me ‘Ember’ like everyone else in the world?"

He leaned over, his mouth closer to my ear "I only do it when no one else can hear, and besides, I’m not just everyone--not to you"

Did his voice have to be so s my pen on the empty notebook that would soon be full of delicious historical facts "I think your paperweight isin her back-row seat, and I couldn’t blaht oner I couldn’t stop the sled his eyebrows and patted the top of his desk I shook my head and forced ood idea to get that close to you," I reminded him with a sle up here"

Speechless I couldn’t even think of a retort for that one

The prof savedthe lecture I paid attention, really Well, not really I wrote down copious notes, but felt Josh’s eyes staring, which relance and found those brown eyes locked onto s, re myself that class was not the place to jump a fellow student, and paidpapers, taking notes, and concentrating on the Civil War What I couldn’t handle was my self-imposed slon on Josh, not when I was ready to juest and shortest hour of et the hell out of that rooet Our prof dismissed us, and I scurried out the door like ht day, and I didn’t have another class until the afternoon, so I could get a juht now

I was nearly to ood-bye?" he teased, not even out of breath fro when the books slaer side "Good-bye, Josh"