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Watch Over Me Sydney Landon 17720K 2023-09-01

She had just put her purse away and was checking her e- it open Crystal walked into her office and leaned against the corner of her desk while Mia followed, closing the door behind her They both had identical, expectant looks on their faces Gwen decided to sit quietly and see who broke first Finally, Crystal blurted out, "Well?"

"Well, what?" Gwen asked as she pretended to study her computer intently

Mia tried her hand next "Soerdid you do it?"

By this point, Gas fighting hard not to laugh as she said, "Do what?" in a bored tone

"Hell’s bells, Gwen!" Crystal snapped "Did you get laid or not?"

"Way to blurt it right out there, Crys" Mia rolled her eyes Pointing to Gwen, she said, "Look at her--of course she did I’ve never seen her looking this relaxed"

Crystal had just opened her mouth to make a comment when there was another knock at the door "Yes," Gwen called out, wondering who else could possibly be dropping by this early Most of her coworkers tended to hole up in their offices with cup after cup of coffee until at least noon

Gwen al like sex-on-a-very-big-stick He gave her an inti "Hey babe, I know you were running late this ht not have had ti up a white cup He walked past her friends as if they weren’t even there and put the cup in front of her Then, he dropped a kiss on her shocked lips before whispering in her ear, "It’s decafjust in case" When she continued to sit there, staring at hiht? I’llfor a reply, which she seehtened and nodded to Crystal and Mia as he walked past "Ladieshave a good day" With that, he was gone and Gould have thought that she had i in front of her

"WaitDid that just happen?" Mia asked looking shell-shocked

Fanning herself, Crystal said, "Well, if the orgasm I just had is any indication, then hell, yeah, it did Gwen Day, I hate you!"

Gwen felt the urge to kick herself It wasn’t as if it were the first tiht her coffee Mac had done that in this very office before But so about Dominic’s visit had felt so personalso inti on it had been as if they were the only two people in the rooht decaf on the outside chance that she was to get pregnant That thought alone should have her freaking out, but strangely, it felt too good to have so dinner for her as if it was a foregone conclusion that they would be together that evening When Crystal huffed loudly, Gwen focused on her friends and stated the obvious, "I have no idea what I’ht noen," Mia added softly "He ca You didn’t have to wait around on pins and needles wondering if he’d call He laid all of his cards on the table for you"

"He looked at you like he was going to eat you right where you sit for breakfast It was so hot, I was practically spitting fire watching you two"

Gwen gave up all pretense of playing it cool and sagged against her chair "Last night was a, but he was so far beyond even my wildest dreaht I couldn’t last another ht it was just the one night, but nowI’ over to put a hand on her shoulder "It appears he’s thinking way beyond that Now, do yourself a favor and lasso that stallion and have the ride of your life"

Mia gave a thumbs up "Yep, exactly what she said You deserve someone who actually focuses all of his attention on your needs, and I think he’s just the man for the job It didn’t bother hi here He ho distract hiht over to his place and take hirinned "It’s always good to take a gift, so stop and pick up a can of Cool Whip on the way hoiddy as a teenager before her first date Soain She longed to go back to the days when she hadn’t been disappointed and let down by every man she dated Why did she always have to be the one in the relationship willing to give everything to make it hile the other person just treaded water until so? For once, she wanted to be number one It wasn’t as if she needed to be worshipped twenty-four/seven, but dammit, was it too much to ask for a man to just want to make her happy? She wanted to come home at the end of the day and feel like she’d actually been missed while she ay In the past, she mostly came home to an empty apartment and a lot of excuses

Mac had been one of her better dating experiences until the last feeeks of their tiether After that, the pattern had beco on, but wanting to believe that it was just her irown to hate those alarm bells that inevitably went off in all of her relationships The warning bells that told her she was hanging on to a sinking ship and no aain