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I tiltedat his brother "You hed then nodded "Yeah"

"How did you knoas her?"

"Asked a few questions," he responded "Didn’t want you suffering anymore"

There was no possible way for me not to love Asher He owned my heart I stepped to his front, wrapped ht "Thank you," I said "You’re my hero"

"Hey, I threatened her, too," Bray called fro you Back the hell off," Asher returned as he hugged me back

If my life could always be this perfect, I never wanted it to end There’d be no one for , but that I knew When your soul finds itsAsher I loved hiht noas too soon, I knew I had to wait So as much as I wanted to pepper his face with kisses and tell him how I felt, I didn’t Instead, I let hiainst his chest I would have been happy to stay there forever

Steel Sutton

ASHER HADN’T COME hoht Bray and Brent went to look for hin of our big brother Mo his disappearance from her would be hard I could s on us

I believed I’d done the right thing Dixie needed to know It rong to keep that kind of thing from her Why couldn’t Asher see that? I wouldn’t desert her the way he had, but she needed to know the reason we couldn’t be together anymore

One day Dixie would’ve found out the truth on her own and ouldn’t have been there to help She planned on finding her real mother at some point She didn’t need to be blindsided by soed for me I loved her as o away

"His bed’s still eone, too But his shit is still here," Dallas added, following Brent He’d gotten up early to go work out in the barn It was his noronna be happy about this What’re we gonna tell her?" I asked, looking to Bray for an answer He shook his head and walked over to the"Hell if I know Can’t tell her the truth It would kill her dead on the floor"

"Sure didn’t ht kill Dix like that" Dallas said it like I wasn’t in the roolared in my direction He’d been pissed at me when he realized Asher had kept it froht Asher could do no wrong He didn’t re when dad died Asher had always been the oldest male in his life, his onlyroleback at Dallas

"Really? Cause you want to keep it from Momma, to protect her just like Asher wanted to protect Dixie," Dallas quickly shot back He o inches taller than Bray and his shoulders ider and stronger, but we still saw hih no one else in Malroy est

"Shut up, Dallas! You don’t understand"

"The fuck I don’t! I understand Asher told that dipshit a secret and trusted him to keep it fro at me