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Page 31 (1/2)

Wild Hunger Suzanne Wright 22370K 2023-09-01

Iris nodded, sighing sadly "They were Cruz took his death harder than the others did He was the first to arrive on the scene You can iine how devastated he was to find his best friend dead"

Frankie couldn’t help but feel a pang of syh photos of Brad and Caroline, she noticed Cruz glaring in the background "I see that Cruz didn’t like Brad"

"It was more that he didn’t like Brad’s attitude toward Christopher," said Iris

They went through another albunant Christopher always seemed to be close by, and his hand was often splayed protectively over her round belly

Selecting yet another album, Iris said, "These pictures are randparents told you, but you were born early and the pack healer didn’t think you’d survive You proved her wrong"

Actually, Frankie hadn’t known that More secrets

"You can see just how proud as punch Caroline and Christopher were of you"

They did indeed look proud, thought Frankie Tears even glittered in his eyes at one point as he stared at her, stroking her cheek "My grandparents have pictures of me with my mother, but none with my father I should have questioned that, shouldn’t I? I uy and claimed he was my father, but shouldn’t I have found it weird that he wasn’t in any of the photos with me or my mother?

"I did ask if there were any Marcia would always say, oh, they’re probably in the attic, and she’d get someone to pull theet that I asked for the of my parents always put her in a bad mood I should have pushed her"

Lydia reached over the bed to pat her hand "You had no reason to question her because you had no reason to believe she’d lie"

Frankie sed as she gazed at one particular photo of Christopher s Frankie in his arms "He loved her"

"Worshipped her," said Iris "Worshipped you"

The last album showed yet more photos--some were taken on Christmases, others on birthdays or Halloweens--and Frankie could see herself changing as she aged There werewith Iris and Lydia, and it was clear that they had indeed loved her, just as she’d clearly loved them in return

"This picture here was taken at your third birthday party," said Iris "The little boy tying balloons on your wrists is Trick You asked hi they’d lift you into the air"

Lydia pointed to one of Frankie and her parents at her party The three of the "That’s one of my favorite photos You should take it"

Iris nodded "I’d offer you one of the albums, Frankie, but I know you won’t take any Still, you should have at least one photo of the three of you together One of a happy time"

Frankie didn’t want to take it, worried she’d squash or lose it "I’ll snap a picture of it with my cell phone"