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Feral Sins Suzanne Wright 18430K 2023-09-01

Now that their cars were no longer in sight, Trey headed back to the caves

Dante sighed "I’ve got a feeling that Don ant to know everything that’s going on – he’ll be pissed to hear his niece was attacked"

"Do you think Nick will be willing to join us for the battle?" Tao asked Trey

"There’s only one way to find out" As Trey washis way to the kitchen, he heard the words ‘hussy’, ‘disrespectful’ and ‘coain Then he heard his mate’s voice

"No need to take it out on me that you’re so wrinkled you have to screw your hat on"

And just like that, he was s

"Do you see what I have to put up with? She’s always talking toto Don, Nick and Derren

"You know, I hear that bathing nightly in the blood of virgins is scientifically proven to reduce the effects of old age Maybe you should try it"

Entering the kitchen, Trey went straight to where Taryn was perched on the counter and insinuated his He took herhe didn’t kno to say Near her, surrounded by her scent, he could breathe better It was odd how this tiny little female could anchor hi hiht now and he wondered if she knew it, felt the weight of that responsibility Maybe she did, and ave him what he hadn’t even known he needed until then She wrapped all her limbs around him and just held him to her


Trey was ss later Waking up to the feel of his uy Entering the roo his teeth, he tore his eyes away and glanced at the people around hih none of theed his entrance Each were occupied with either eating, staring into their coffeewith their cell phone…as if there wasn’t a sifts in the center of the table

The pack knew better than to mark his birthday in any way, shape or form – Trey wasn’t the celebratory type and he didn’t like being fussed over It wasn’t that he didn’t understand why other people would want to mark their own special occasions, it was just that Trey didn’t like that whole ‘center of attention’ thing His pack knew that There was only one nore that and force ‘fun’ on hi on the counter as usual, dipping mini cookies in her coffee Slowly he approached her, but she didn’t look up until he snatched the htly surprised by Trey’s reaction

"What’s all that about?" He gestured with his thumb at the table behind hiifts"

"Oh I ifts"

"Well it’s like this: it’s your birthday, people get gifts on their birthday, and we’re all nice, kind people anted to buy you so "It’s like that, huh?"

"Yes, and you’re very welco things too far for Trey, they would all have sang ‘happy birthday’ as he walked in

"If people told you that my birthday was today, then they’ll have also told you that I don’t like to celebrate it So why exactly have you ignored that?"

"LetIf it had been nored it?"