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Feral Sins Suzanne Wright 17190K 2023-09-01

"And if he coao ho to part with her just yet, he ordered Tao to drive her car home while he pulled Taryn on his lap in the backseat of the Toyota He didn’t say a word during the entire journey, not even to contribute to the ‘We hate Darryl’ chat that Dante, Trick and Marcus began She could tell that the guys were eager to discuss who the inforh to know that he needed ti any discussion

Knowing how ainst his chest, but not even that or her feather-light kisses to his neck or her soft petting to his chest was able to ease the tension froid body barely h her hair When they arrived hoo his way – brooded And Taryn did what she alhen did he brooded – left hiifts in the bedrooroceries she’d bought to the kitchen and helped Grace with getting started on dinner – chicken curry It wasn’t exactly a surprise when Trey didn’t appear for dinner When he sulked, he did it good

Greta was the last to take a seat at the table and her gri "I bet you wish Darryl’s wolves had given "

Greta harru a mouthful, she whispered – loudly and very much for Taryn’s benefit – to Caed to keep his expression neutral, Taryn wasn’t sure

"I’ve got no co a chunk of curried chicken in his mouth

"Dinner seems to always have a funny taste when she helps"

"Oh that’s just the poison, Greta," said Taryn The old woman made a face but, of course, continued to eat the meal – like she hadn’t eaten in a week

"How o on for?" asked Douy a break," chastised Dante, "he got a scare"

"So you’re not hurt or anything?" asked Kirk, sounding aard "Other than the gash on your head, Iat his sudden concern Or apparent concern

"You should have seen the way she took those guys out," said Lydia, still a little shaken but refusing to adone out all day shopping for herself none of it would’ve happened" Greta gave Taryn a withering look "That would never have happened in my day No The woo out, my Arthur came with me"

Taryn just smiled "Well I suppose it was better that you didn’t venture out alone in case a T-Rex got hold of you, huh" The

"I’ll never knohat he sees in you Sel from some of the pack as it ell-known that Greta disliked Selma even more than she did Taryn Even Sel hair Not like yours"