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"Not really" A moment paused "We were only a ive you space Well, the illusion of space I shouldn’t have listened to her If I’d just gone after you, you wouldn’t have seen that"

I looked over at hi "The body--"

"The police were called I think they’re still there The party was shut down"

A shudder worked its way through me "Did youhear who it was?"


When that was all he said, dread set in I clasped uy ent to your school I think his name was Andy At least that’s what Zoe said"

"God," I whispered, looking away Andy was one of the guys who’d been eyeballing the young Luxen at school What I knew about Andy wasn’t good, but I wouldn’t want him or anyone to die like that It was terrible

I foldedto reed "The Origin must’ve followed you there"

I frowned "I don’t think it was hi there I think--no, I know I saw an Aru the platform

I squeezed my knees "It was just like Kent and Eht it was just shadows at first, but then the shadows moved and thickened The te there" I shivered "That’s why I ran"

"An Arum can’t kill a human like that They can assimilate some of the Luxen ability if they feed, but when they kill a huuy It had to be a Luxen or an Origin" He paused "Or possibly a hybrid, but let’s stick to the first two as possible suspects And we already know there’s a ticked-off Origin ination And before I saw the body, I heard my name, but--"

"It was in your head?" he interrupted "The Aruth It sounds like it’s in your head, but that’s just how your human ears process the sound But that doesn’t explain how an Arum would know your naain, maybe another one of my friends is an Arum for all I know It could be James"

He snorted "Arums don’t interact with humans on that kind of level They stick to themselves Usually in dark, damp places"

"I’ll have to take your word for it" The moment that came out of my mouth, I tensed I couldn’t just believe what he said Not now

Luc exhaled roughly "The Aru hiin, the Arum found you"

"And I ran"

"Into a parked car"

I shot hi to do That’s what you need to do if you ever co to hurt you," he stated "You cannot possibly fight the a hu is why you’re still alive"

"Well, this convo is "

"It’s just the truth It’s not lanced at the clock on the nightstand and saw that it wasn’t even ht yet "Where isWhere is Zoe?"

"She’s here Not down in the club, since it’s open, but she’s here" His shoulders seeet her?"