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"Well" Kent took my empty can "I’m just a lowly human, but apparently if she doesn’t see your trace, then that "

I focused on Emery "Why?"

Emery lifted her hands "Because every human who’s ever been healed always has a trace on thein," Kent confirins leave a trace behind"

My gaze swung to him "Then what does that mean?"

Kent lifted a shoulder as he stood "I have no idea Anyway, I have to go" He pattedout of reach when I swatted at his hand "People to see Stuff"

I glared at him, super-annoyed "Well, that was a lot of help when it cos up for me"

He winked at me "Obviously, you understand how important it is to keep this quiet If not"

"Yeah, you’ll go after everyone I know and love?" I shot back

Kent winked "That’s n

I turned to E?"

Eave me a sympathetic smile "I know all of this sounds made-up"

It did

"But it’s the truth," she continued "Look, I’s I’m sorry about what happened to you today We’ll et up

E her hand, Heidi pulled her back down for a kiss Not exactly a quick one either The tips ofby the time they broke up and Emery sashayed out of the room

"You really, really like her, don’t you?" I asked

Heidi laughed softly "I do You know, I knehat she was the first night I met her It never mattered to me At all"

There was a lot I wanted to talk about, but the really important one won out "Why didn’t you tell ed her palaze fell to the carpet "I didn’t think you’dapprove"


She glanced at me "Really You haven’t"

I haven’t what? I’d never been anti-Luxen Then again, I’d never been really vocal either way in the past I’dquiet was just as bad as being against theet real with ht that Because deep down, I had said things in passing that would’ve made her think that

But when I looked at Luc or Emery, it was hard to see them other than how they presented themselves It was hard to reo all badass on the Luxen

But here I was, obviously not afraid of Luc or Emery

"I don’t care that she’s a Luxen" And that was the truth I held her gaze, grinding htened "It’s risky, though"

"I know," Heidi replied, voice low "But it’s worth the risk She’s worth it"

"You’re worth it I’ it "I really like E those words made me realize it was the truth "I just worry if someone were to find out--"

"Like I said, it’s a risk we’re both willing to take We’re careful Usually e’re out, she’s wearing contacts Very few people knohat Eh

Heidi smiled a little "What about you and Luc?"