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"We’ll get time," Luc cut in "I’ll make sure of it, Peaches"

My lips thinned "Don’t call me that"

"I’ll be in touch," he insisted "I prohtened around ed me to hiainst my temple The contact startled me "Do this for me Go home" His lips brushed my skin "Please"

Unsettled and thrown off, because I had a suspicion he didn’t say please a lot, I did what he asked when he let go

I left


I woke early Sundayfor air My hand flew to ile bones Like so

I’d been dreao, I’d been back inside that club with those Luxen, but Luc hadn’t been there Instead it had been ame

"God," I whispered, willing htmare"

But there were tiny bumps all over the bare skin of aze trekked around the dark room The comforter was at the foot ofwas quiet, and I could make out the still shadows of htstand read only twenty minutes after three

Way too early to be awake

I pushed it out of my face I shouldn’t be surprised by the fact that I was having night Who’d bla I didn’t really think for one second that the Luxen who Luc had fought had been responsible for what had happened to Colleen and Aet out of this city without drawing attention

I pressed ether as my stomach knotted What if there was also a very ticked-off Luxen sibling out there now, seeking revenge? On top of everything else? And wouldn’t that be my fault? If I’d stayed in Luc’s roo I needed to be stressing over if I wanted to fall back to sleep I reached for the blanket piled at the end of the bed but stopped when a sharp pain skated along htened and placed a hand on my stomach I jerked The area was tender

Carefully, I leaned over and turned on the bedside laht filled the rooers around the hem of asped

Three long, jagged welts cut into ht above otten ahold of me They weren’t open scratches and they didn’t look like they’d bled at all, but there were definitely three ain, like it held the answers or so at the spike of pain, I pulled o of my shirt and walked into the bathroom From there, I did a full-body scan There were no other scratches, but there was a bruise on ht hip, probably from when Luc had tackledthat But how? I didn’t know, but that was the only thing thatThe nightmare was pretty vivid, so Lord only knohat I could’ve done

I grabbed the bottle of peroxide out from underneath the sink and with a couple of dabs with a cotton ball, I deterence when it ca bacteria

I turned off the light, hurried back to bed, and all but dived under the covers I closed ht, and tried not to think about Luc, the club, or anything, but it was a long time before I fell back to sleep

My mood plummeted as I walked into the cafeteria on Monday and saw that the only options for lunch were pizza and salad Both looked like they’d been sitting out over the weekend