Page 13 (1/2)

Archer was staring at ain, his expression curious I folded my arms over my chest and looked away "So, Evie," he said, and I tensed "How do you know Luc?"

"I don’t know him," I said, and Luc’s shoulders stiffened

"That’s interesting," Archer began "I wonder if--" A phone rang fro on his lips as he answered "Hey, babe Give me a sec, okay?" He lowered the phone as he pushed away fro for the door "It’s Dee," he said to Luc’s back "I’ll tell her you said hi"

Luc didn’t respond, and that seelancing in ain as a shudder rocked his entire body

"You’ve got to let go," Luc said to Chas as his ar to heal You’re safe here Just let go"

I bit down onthe cloth over I saw streaks of red staining the cloth Luc washe was cleaning his face, wiping away the streaks of blood

The man’s body shook once more and then I saw hiht I should look away, but I couldn’t as a flickering white light encased Chas’s entire body Within seconds, the human façade slipped away My lips parted, but there were no words as I took in the lu beneath it This was the first tiht of a Luxen, and it wasit was strangely beautiful Moht, in a way Their skin was like a jellyfish’s

Luc twisted, facing ht someone with you?"

I frowned, unable to takeand appeared to have settled down Or he’d passed out "Yes He’s downstairs"

"Boyfriend?" he asked

I shook ured If he was a boyfriend, you’d need a new one Well, he’s obviously not a good friend either if he didn’t insist on co up here with you"

My spine stiffened "I can take care of est you couldn’t?" Luc folded up the stained cloth and tossed it to the left without looking It landed in a small trash can as he turned back to Chas "Take care of the friend downstairs, Kent," he said "Make sure he gets home safely but fully understands that he was never here"

I al "Wait Ja a half smile in my direction as he walked past hs, his back still towith him" There was a pause that felt like an eternity "Actually, you’re not leaving at all"

Every part of ht No way at all "Youcan’t be serious"

Slowly, Luc rose and turned to , I know, but you cas you shouldn’t have Multiple things Things I don’t want you repeating, especially to thather up? Did he know her?

That wolfish grin returned, turning the al darker, crueler "Then you threaten ured that out yet, that really doesn’t sit ithhis bottoh his teeth, he inched closer "You broke the deal You’re not leaving"


Aw, hell no

Fear pinged around inside er was like battery acid inup toward the door "You can’t keep me here"