Page 7 (1/2)

I could be at ho knee-high socks fro sla into Luc I reached out,on his back He shifted suddenly, and every muscle in ainst his chest, and that wasn’t just a chest Those were pecs--pecs as hard as the wall behind me

I started to yank ht theht where they were I started to protest, but whatever I was about to say died on the tip of ue as I felt his breath skate over my forehead

We were close, way too close

"They have to be back here," a disgruntled voice boomed from the hall Static crackled over a radio "I’ve checked the other rooht What would happen if they came in here? Would they shoot first and ask questions later?

A heartbeat passed, and then the hair around my ear stirred as Luc whispered, "I hope you’re not claustrophobic"

I turned razed his cheek "It’s a little late for that"

"True" He shifted again, and I felt his leg brush mine I shivered "We just need to play it cool in here for a little bit and then they’ll be gone"

A little bit? We’d already been in here for far too long, but I could hear the guy out there, pacing back and forth "Does this happen often?"

"About once a week"

"Lovely," I htto sot raided once a week "What are you guys doing here to get raided?"

"Why do you think we have to be doing so raided," I whispered-yelled back

Luc’s fingersanother acute shiver through me "Do you really think they need a reason to come in here, search for people? To hurt people?"

I kneho "they" ithout asking The ART teaistered?"

"I already told you" His breath now coasted over my cheek "I’m not a Luxen" There was another pause "Youyou smell"

"Excuse me?"

"You smell likepeaches"

"It’s led with fear and so heavy "I don’t want to talk to you anymore"

"Good" There was a pause "I can think of a lot s to do in a tiny, dark space that would pass the ti and you will regret it"

Now I heard him chuckle quietly "Calm down"

"Don’t tellfor I have no reason to stay quiet"

"Oh, you do" His thulided over my palm

"Stop that"

"Stop what?" His low voice dripped innocence as his thuain

"That" With ain to free my hands "And co of a phone silencedfro" Luc sighed, dropping my hands

I felt around until I was able to open the wristlet and pull my phone out I quickly silenced it, but it was too late