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But, as Cooper said last night, things aren’t alhat they see on Lisa’s desk and sinking into her chair It’s incredibly uncomfortable Lisa has what she calls an "Asian butt," which she’s explained is "no butt" To co for her office chair fro on irl butt, so all of Lisa’s cushions make it quite difficult forover everyone like that blond lady knight on Ga down on Rashid and A I’ you both down here so early in the , and I’m also sorry too for that outburst you must have heard out there--"

"Please," Rashid interrupts with a char smile He closes the student handbook to show that I have his full attention "Don’t concern yourself about that I’ht now I’lad to see that you received my flowers"

"Yes," I say "Thank you for those They’re very beautiful I noticed that you also sent sonize It’s the same one he wore in the outer office that day he’d heard her roommate say that Ameera was ill, an expression of worried concern that you rarely see on boys’ faces unless they’re speaking about

well, about a girl they love

"I did," he says "She had quite a shock I don’t think she’s picked theh"

"She hasn’t," I say "Ameera, do you want to tell me why you didn’t pick up the flowers Rashid sent you?"

"Please," Rashid says with a smile "I told you My name is Shiraz in this country Because I’ ot it A with the her finger fro me a shy smile

"I never received a notice about a flower delivery Is that why I’et theainst the rules not to pick up flowers"

She’s a good liar I ht believe her if I didn’t know Gavin had already talked to her about the flowers

"This isn’t about the flowers, Ameera," I say, "and you know it It’s about your rooenuinely shocked--and worriedmore worried than the statement warrants Where before her cheeks had been flushed with color fro behind the door, suddenly they’re pale again

"Kaileigh? What’s theto clutch her chair seat "I saw her in the roolances at Rashid, whothat completely and utterly surprises me:

He reaches out across the distance between their two chairs for her hand

and she releases her seat and takes it, clutching his fingers so tightly, and gazing at him so deeply, that I’m certain in that moment that she loves him every bit as much as he loves her, and I love Cooper

It’s not the kind of look you can ht," I say, bewildered I’d been about to introduce the topic of Kaileigh’s ht in her own bed for most of orientation week I’m fairly certain I nohose bed A "Why wouldn’t she be?"