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My coffee-and-hot-cocoa drink secured, I say, "You always look on the bright side of things, don’t you, Magda?"
"Well, I try," she ad "It’s justThen I head back to my office
"Heather!" Gavin stops ht by without stopping to say hello or get thesip of coffee "Lisa left me a note? She isn’t in the office?"
"Nah," Gavin says As usual, since he’s working theshift, he’s in his pajae sweatpants, a Ramones T-shirt, and his usual Goofy slippers "She and Cory left about a half hour ago She said she has a doctor’s appoint too, she looked pretty sick Probably all these da h, before she left"
Gavin slides a sealed envelope toward el and coffee drink on the counter, tear open the envelope, and find a folded note, written on New York College stationery, in Lisa’s distinctive, loopy handwriting
-- New York College --
Sorry to leave you in a lurch like this, especially with the RAs acting so nuts, but I called ht like you said to, and she was able to squeezeI should be back by 11:00 a, don’t worry! Thanks, you’re the best!
PS I told Cory You were right, he’s over the , I refold the note, slip it back into the envelope, and stick the envelope into my purse
"What’s so funny?" Gavin asks
"What?" I ask, trying to wipe the grin offMind your own business Have you finished thefrom yesterday? Because that pile over there doesn’t look like it’s getting any sots to be that way?"
"I’ you to work on your screenplay, Gavin," I say, pointing at his laptop, which is sitting open in front of him "Do the mail And why are those flowers from Prince Rashid still back there?"
Gavin looks over his shoulder "Those are the ones for that girl in fourteen-twelve I’ve left her like four notices She says she doesn’t want theive them to Jamie? Please?"
"No, you ifting Get to work on thatit impossible not to
"Seriously," he calls as I walk away froood news But what kind of good news could Lisa possibly have had on today of all days?"
"Not good news," I call to hi raises?" Gavin shouts, in a hopeful tone