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Sarah snorts as she wipes ketchup from the side of her mouth with a napkin "He probably didn’t even write it I bet there’s a palace publicist or secretary who does all his press"

I stare at the card Except for the prince’s title and forraved, the rest is written in somewhat cramped block print, in black ink, by so--or maybe the more manly art of falconry

"How did you know they’re from Prince Rashid?" I ask Sarah

"Because he’s been down here twice to check if you got theo There’s a bouquet for Lisa too, but she’s been locked inside the office with the new RA candidate since before I got back from Disbursements, so she hasn’t seen it I had them keep it up at the front desk since there’s no rooetting an allergy attack fro on the card I want to believe that Rashid wrote the ain, it’s on Qalif royal letterhead, with the na that Sarah is sitting across fronature

"Oh ?"

"Look" I show her the card "The ink is smeared"

"So?" Sarah cries

"So that’s how you can tell if so themselves, or if it was typed, or printed with a staned it themselves with a pen It’s an old n head shots because they n so raph already printed on it, not personalized" I look more closely at the card "Someone really handwrote this"

"Yes, of course sousted "I already told you, his secretary or publicist"

"Wouldn’t you hire so to be your secretary if you were going to have them pretend to be you?"

"What does it matter whether or not he wrote it?" Sarah de Jash’syou She was by here a million ties" She rises to slauys, anyway? I tried calling but neither of you would pick up"

I sit down and begin to sort through the "While You Were Out" es, careful to keepof the fate that’s about to befall the RAs "Lisa didn’t say?"

"I told you, she’s been locked in her office since before I got back fro at Lisa’s closed door "It says on her calendar that she has the intervieith that new RA candidate right now"

"Right," I say to Sarah "We had aup in the president’s office about Jasmine"

Sarah rolls her eyes "What a waste of time that must have been"

"Yeah," I say "It was"

I don’t dare tell her the truth about what happened during theWhen she finds out that all nine of our new RAs are being fired, she’s going to explode with righteous indignation She’s young enough--and despite her gruff deh--that she’ll side with the student workers, and probably even attee a formal protest