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"Yeah She told --the one you couldn’t co-and-alcohol-awareness training session--that she felt bad because there were so rooot some kid froh up an address book I guess he copied froh them both and added a whole bunch of people to the bride’s side"
I feel a swooping sensation in the pit of et when Cooper coain how handsome he looks and how lucky I am that he chose me (of course, he’s lucky I chose hi, the kind that et, I think totoo busy at work to pay attention toit all up to Perry Who, Cooper informed me earlier, hadn’t been too pleased about the fact that we’d canceled lunch She’d stressed how busy and iht not get another appoint day
A day I can now see is going to be a disaster
"Jessica and Magda and I told Nicole she shouldn’t have done it," Patty goes on rapidly, "that you’d invited everyone you wanted to, but she said that it would be a nice surprise, and that your dad and Cooper approved the--"
"She didn’t tell anybody," I say My throat has gone as dry as sand, but I can’t lass "Exceptfor a reconciliation between us two for a long tilass addition sees Patty and lobes and claps her hands drairl!"
Then she rushes through the open screen door and out onto the deck to e me in a thick cloud of Chanel perfuood way
"Hi, Mohtbulb
I don’t want to shine too bright
I don’t want to look like aGown,"
written by Heather Wells
Uh, honey," Frank says to Patty fro now"
"In a aze is riveted on my mother, who has taken a seat in the chair Cooper had vacated to answer the door
Lucy, usually friendly to strangers (she’s a wonderful co), slinks out frooes inside Perhaps she, like Patty, suspects that fireworks are about to go off Unlike Patty, however, Lucy has the sense to get out of the blast range
"I didn’tdown at the detritus of our lad you learned how to cook, Heather That’s a skill every bride should have"