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"Oh" I hold my cell phone away fro in one to voicearound the roo around as well "She must have it on vibrate"

The clothes Jasmine had worn the day before are in a heap on the floor beside her bathrooh the pockets of her jeans

"What young person do you knoho doesn’t take her phone to bed with her?" Cooper points at Jashtstand, which sits beneath her wide caseht there But it’s gone"

"It’s not gone," I say Look, her wallet’s here" I hold it up "Cash, credit cards, ID, everything still inside Even her keys" I jingle them "So she wasn’t robbed Who would steal her phone and not her cash? There’s a hundred bucks in this wallet And that laptop over there is top of the line It’s not like son the door’s been tampered with Who would take her phone but not her laptop and cash?"

Cooper shakes his head, unconvinced "Then where is her phone?"

I eye Jasaze follows the direction of led around the bottos He takes a quick step backward

"No way," he says

"Well, you’re the one who thinks all young people take their phones to bed with the to be? Exceptto look," Cooper declares "You do it"

"I’ the dead It’sto knohether or not it’s there?"

"We aren’t going to know," I say fir to shove him toward the door "The OCME will find it, if it’s there The only thing either of us has to do is leave, et here and arrest you for disturbing a potential crime scene Go do your job, and I’ll doon his shirt, which I’ve caused to becoet so huffy about it Just because your case isthan mine--"

"This isn’t a case, Cooper It’s a resident in ic, but you yourself re adults end up in hospital eroupand roup too So I guess it’s natural that we ht lose someone, even this early in the year But you can’t leap to the conclusion that there was foul play involved, because we don’t know yet--"

Cooper turns by the door so speech to put his hands on my shoulders When I’m finished, he says, "Heather Heather, I know, okay? I’m sorry I’m so sorry this happened, and I’ I’d ever want to do I only wanted to help I promise I’ll stay out of it froo home and call Perry to cancel our lunch appoint with the wedding planner

"Oh God We’re never going to be able to get another appoint like this You kno she is"

It’s only because of a sudden cancellation (the bride left the groos to get uslist (apparently you can do this if you’re the CEO of a large recording co booked at the Plaza at all Perry, our wedding planner, can’t stop re us how fortunate we are, because it’s rare that any size wedding--let alone one as large as ours--is "thrown together at the last ether at the last minute" she means had tens of thousands of our own dollars-- to her--poured into it weeks in advance