Page 10 (1/2)

Only Tricky greets Cooper the way I believe he should be greetedand would greet hi throws himself onto the couch, lays his paws upon Cooper’s chest, and enthusiastically begins lapping Cooper’s five o’clock shadow (even though it’s lunchti unsuccessfully to fight off the dog’s advances "I’m happy to see you too, Trix, but I can tell one of us didn’t brush his teeth thisto notice h’s father is on his way over He says for the --over fifty thousand dollars a year--Kaileigh should have a roommate who is serious about her studies"

I raise my eyebrows "Mrs Harris, I already told you we don’t have any other rooe" She nods at Lisa’s closed office door "Not Miss Wu Her supervisor The director of housing"

"Mrs Harris," I say, in a tone I can’t keep fro Office, where you can make an appoint, but before I do, keep inhis office hter stood in front of o and said she liked her room and her roommates and requested that you allow her to live her own life"

Mrs Harris’s face turns pink I’ve called her bluff, and she knows it Cooper, et bossy with the parents He says it turns hiet outside the building and into a taxi to the Plaza, where we’ll beplanner

"Kaileigh was ades in the country"--"best" is a leap; but it’s certainly one of the ent As a parent, you need to start trusting her to handle her own problems, and let her reat ones, not only because she’s attending a fine school and at eighteen is now a legal adult, but because she was raised by a fantastic e because she had you as a role s she needs to fly Nohy don’t you let her spread the speech--which, I have to ad card and I’ve delivered approxiive Mrs Harrissmile, the one that Cooper says knocks his socks off I’ve noticed that it frequently knocks his pants off as well

Unfortunately--or fortunately, since we’re in an office setting--this time it does neither Mrs Harris keeps both her pants and socks on as well

But she does look touched

"Oh," she says, reaching into her purse and pulling out a tissue hich she dabs at the corners of her eyes "That’s so nice of you to say Her father and I have tried so hard with her She has a younger brother, you know, and let’s just say on’t be allowing hio to Haiti to build houses for Habitat for Huh it’s such a worthy cause, because he sih has But then they say boys don’t s before she can go on er I see on the caller ID that it’s Sarah

"I’et this Maybe we could talk another ti andas I pick up the receiver and say, "Hello, Fischer Hall director’s office, how may I help you?"

"I know you know it’s ested "Is Kaileigh’sthere?"

"Yes, this is Heather Wells," I say, shtly at Mrs Harris as she waves from my office door on her way out