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White Hot Ilona Andrews 22320K 2023-09-01

I yawned and kept going Almost home Almost I pulled into the lot in front of our warehouse and parked my Mazda minivan betweenMy cousin’s ancient Civic had died a sad death a ical fa lot Their words involved trying to crush each other with five-hundred-pound decorative rocks fro display Unfortunately, their aim turned out to be crap and they survived Their faes Now a gun occupied the Civic’s foric was the ultimate power If you had it, you suddenly found that ed myself out of the car and punched the code into the security syste it open, stepped inside, and shut it behind lass panels greeted me


Today was over Finally I exhaled and took offup as a Scottish higho one of my "we’re not poor" outfits I owned two expensive suits and twopairs of heels, and I wore the first when I went to see a client who ht be impressed by appearances and the second when I came to collect the payment The heels I had to put on today should’ve been banned as evil torture devices

Soined it

Another knock

I turned and checked the monitor A blond man stood in front of htful blue eyes, he was in his late twenties A zipped-up brown leather folder rested in his hands Cornelius Harrison of House Harrison A fewfor Adaree Cornelius had been forced by his family to play the role of Adam’s "boyhood companion," a role he had detested Cornelius had helped ation His older sister currently ran House Harrison

The Cornelius I remembered was clean-shaven and meticulously dressed This Cornelius was still well-dressed, but his cheeks were rough with stubble and an unsettling shadow darkened his eyes, as if he had seen so that disturbed hi fro a small Sailor Moon backpack She had to be about three or four years old Her hair was dark and straight and her eyes pointed at an Asian heritage, but her features reminded me of Cornelius Their expressions, solemn and serious, were cohter but I’d never e Doberman Pinscher sat next to the child, as tall as she was

What would a ical elite want froative Agency specialized in seous s in search of their husband’s killer or billionaire bachelors withsisters rarely darkened round checks were our bread and butter Please don’t let this be a cheating spouse Those were always so difficult when children were involved

I unlocked the door "Mr Harrison How can I help you?"

"Good evening," Cornelius said, his voice quiet His gaze snagged on the shoes in ustine said I could coustineOh So Cornelius was the client Montgomery wanted me to see

"Come in, please"

I let them in and shut the door

"You irl

She nodded

"Is that your dog?"

She nodded again

"What’s his name?"

"Bunny," she said in a small voice

Bunny looked at me with the kind of suspicion usually reserved for rattlesnakes Cornelius was an aniic, whichHe was the equivalent of a loaded assault rifle pointed in my direction

"He can smile," Matilda offered "S white fangs I fought an urge to step back

"Is there a place Matilda can hile we talk?" Cornelius asked