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Travis peered at his father from over the top of his cake "I already had an eleventh birthday I’aze to ht, white smile nearly blinded me "It’s Charlotte here who insists you’re only eleven" He rested his hand on top of ers, he used his thu

Porter had proposed in the , romantic, and completely ridiculous

Teeks after we’d rocery store to pick up so for dinner When I’d arrived home, I’d opened the front door and then jus to the floor Waiting for me on the other side of the door had been a life-size cardboard cutout of Porter wearing a…

Wait for it…

Pink speedo His hands were on his hips and he was staring straight ahead with a sexy saze Written across his chest in what appeared to be white sunscreen was: Ian who? Once hed wildly and retrieved the cocktail napkin taped to his shoulder On it was a hand-drawnme toward the kitchen Suspiciously, I called for Porter and the kids, but when they didn’t answer, I followed the map to our pantry, where I found yet another cardboard cutout This ti jeans and a black T-shirt that read: Charlotte’s Boyfriend (Whether she likes it or not) In his hand was a burger with a little toothpick flag on the top that read: Wagyu Terrier

My rin, but realization that this was more than just one of Porter’s usual silly stunts dawned onmy stomach to flutter I plucked yet another cocktail napkin map off his shoulder and followed the directions down the hall to our bedroom With caution, I pushed the door open and found yet another cardboard cutout This one wasn’t Porter Or maybe it was--but only his dark silhouette Across the chest, it read: Porter in the Darkness

Tears welled in ain took the cocktail napkin off his shoulder The map pointed to our closet

With a racing pulse, I slowly opened the door and then burst into loud laughter There were three cardboard cutouts One of ht ahead, his ar his lips The cardboard version ofbeside him And not the attractive kind My mouth was open, my eyes were squeezed closed, and I hadoverher favorite pink floral dress paired with horrible red-and-white leggings Her dark hair had been braided into pigtails, and she, too, was in the h A cutout of Travis was onhis typical uniform: neon basketball shorts and a plain colored T-shirt His chin was tipped up in the air, his ar like a little aze drifted back to Porter, where I noticed the words written across the front of his shirt: Porter in the light

My chest warmed and my heart swelled as it filled with love I looked ridiculous in that silly cardboard cutout, but that was Charlotte in the light too

After taking the cocktail napkin lass back door There, on the deck, was another version of paper-Porter But this one stole eous in a black tux that fit hiht hand was shoved inside his pocket He was srin Porter reserved for s seized, and that warh the rest ofover his heart, and on his ring finger was a thick, gold band

There was one of those "Hello My Nas stuck on the lapel of his jacket and it read: Porter in the Future

Tears escaped my eyes as I slapped a hand over my mouth

Porter had made no secret of how ht a rustic wooden picture fraraved with the words: The Reese family: Porter, Charlotte, Travis, and Hannah

After I’d lived frozen in tie scared the absolute shit out ofPorter did sos to my heart

However, for asmarried, he’d never actually proposed

Until that moment

I peeled the cocktail napkin map off cardboard-Porter’s shoulder only to find it blank Drying my tears on my shoulder, I flipped it over Written in thick, black ink were the words: Turn around