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He blew out a heavy groan "In a way, I was in your shoes for a week and I al"

"I don’t know, either But it’s over now" I pressed up onto ainst his lips, "For both of us"

"I still have Catherine’s stuff," he ad from our furniture to her clothes Picture albums, knickknacks Whatever I kept it all for the kids in case they ever want any of it Especially Hannah Are you going to be able to live with that if it happens one day?"

My breath caught inway in the future, Porter"

"But it’s in the future, Charlotte And, if this thing with us works out, it’s going to be in your future And what about Travis?"

My body turned to granite, and my heart stopped at the very idea "You think he’d want so in the car with her But he still loved her at one tiets to you, the s she did really were But I can’t swear that to you for sure"

I chewed on my bottom lip "I don’t knoould ever handle that"

He kissed my temple andin case it ever happens Every now and again, he’ll talk about her It’s rare But it does happen"

I nodded and then buriedup a dozen prayers that that day would never come We stood there for several ht of thedown on us

"So, can I talk to you about soht now?" he murmured

I popped my head up "More serious than your ex who kidnapped ood"

He trailed his hands down until they splayed over ood I promise At least, for me, anyway"

"Great," I smarted

He chuckled and bent low until his lips were at my ear, where he whispered, "You said you love rin became a full-blown smile "Yeah, you did You said that you knew I loved est reason you love est reason why I was falling in love with you"

"Still?" he coh escaped ht, Porter Re trip"

He narrowed his eyes and hissed, "Liar"

And I was Because there wasn’t a man in the entire world ould ever be able to co

Not his heart

And definitely not the way he loved

So, for that reason alone, I looked up at him and whispered, "I am Wholly and completely"

He tipped his head to the side and arched an eyebrow "Was that a riddle? You are what? A liar or in love with lare turned murderous, but his mouth split into a sround disappeared fro over his shoulder

Laughing, he carried les soft as he toted me down the hall and into the bedroohter stopped when his mouth covered led heap, I told Porter once and for all that I loved hi through his handsome features, and replied, "Too late now I’ve already moved on"

He was seriously insane

But it was safe to say I was, in fact, wholly and completely in love with that man

"What if they hate ers together "Oh, my hing, I keptsqueeze "You didn’t let me finish I meant, she’ll hate you for about ten seconds until she sees him and then she’ll love you"