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I nodded even though he couldn’t see me, yet he so into roaned, his breaths co inside round against hiht here, Charlotte," he swore "Always"
My release clier, and when I felt Porter step off the edge, I eagerly followed hi his face in asertips up and down his back, his large fra
"Jesus," he breathed
I sripped ru bed in the darkness?"
There was no way I could have stopped the loud bubble of laughter that came fro the back oflips to mine in a kiss that meant more to me than he would ever be able to comprehend Sans the incredible sex that had preceded it, there was nothing special about that kiss
But maybe that hat made it so perfect
It was easy, and itworld outside onna turn on the lights," he whispered
My sto to change when you do, right?"
He caught ers before bringing it to his lips "Everything’s going to change, Charlotte And I swear to you, no ether, okay?"
My nose began to sting Fucking Porter and his hand holding
God, I loved it so hts"
"I didn’t know!" I defended
Porter sainst the counter and his long legs crossed at the ankle "Seven?"
"I didn’t know!" I repeated
After we’d cleaned up, which was surprisingly convenient when you have sex in the bathrooly left our private sanctuary I hadn’t been eatingmy mind blessedly quiet, food had become a priority On the way to the kitchen, I’d stopped at the bedroo it open to peer in at Travis, as I had done so many times over the last few days Every time I’d done it before, half of me had expected him not to be there That fear had become a reality only hours earlier, after he’d climbed out thein an attempt to escape ht Porter back to us
"Seven though?" he teased, lifting a piece of pizza to hison the inside "Well, he likes , "So my hand toward another box "But then I wasn’t sure about Hannah, but all kids like cheese, right?"
He sed a bite and washed it doith beer before saying, "So that’s two You got five o"