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His face had cru my soul
I hated it for him
I hated it for me
And, secretly, I hated it for Porter as well
After picking es I shared with Porter That picture of us laughing in bed was still front and center My pulse spiked at the sight
I tracedI could feel the scruff that had once sent chills down e to his dad
Hey dad I’m with Charlotte she said she will take care of et me I love you See you soon
It wasn’t quite what I had told him when I’d let hier mind had heard
Porter hadn’t responded, which honestly had surprised the hell out of me There was an order of protection in place, but he wasn’t the type of guy ould just walk away and hope for the best By now, I figured he’d be beating down ht
That afternoon, e’d gotten home from Brady’s, Lucas and I had watched a movie on my laptop
Well, more accurately, he’d watched a movie on my laptop
I’d watched him
He was so much like Porter it was insane Honest to God, he even looked like hireat debate of nature versus nurture, Lucas was proof that nurture alon out
I had to stop obsessing about Porter It wasn’t doing any of us any good It was crushingon Porter’s na hi in midair over the screen
Unblock this nun
My er lit uess who had The saes The same man who, only hours earlier, had warnedkill hiical unblock button
And then my heart stopped as a voicemail notification popped up on my screen, Porter’s na my skin as his deep, desperate voice filled ot Travis’s text"
"Porter Stop," Tanner said in the background
"Please don’t stop," I whispered, gnawing onday," Porter said before releasing a hard exhale into the phone "I’m on my way now Tell Travis I love him Actually…Christ, I love both of you"
I slapped a hand over o continued inon a low, faet there, Charlotte I swear on ure this out"
The ain
"Hey, sweetheart I just got Travis’s an to pace,as he said, "Actually…Christ, I love both of you"
When theon a different sentence