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Brady scoffed beside ed, completely unfazed

"Can you stay?" Lucas asked, his exciteaze flicked to uilt churning et to work," he lied

My nose started stinging, and I cut my eyes away so no one would be able to see if any tears actually escaped

"Okay," Lucas breathed, his disappointment palpable "Will you tell Dad I love hios"

Tanner’s face once again cru"

"Oh! And Nana Will you tell her that Charlotte’s good at the nebulizer? She’s, like, a doctor and stuff Oh, and Grandpa Tell hiet hos burned as the air beca hoht at the same time a tear finally made it out of his eye He wiped it on his shoulder and kept right on s "Dude, I won’t let hiood," he whispered

Tanner tucked hi his back as he whispered, "Love you, Trav"

"Love you, too," hehis uncle The devastation on

"Co hi the door behind them

The minute it clicked, Tanner lost it

"Jesus," he hissed He rested his hands on his head and paced a small circle "This is so fucked up Tell me you know this is fucked up, Charlotte"

"Tanner, it’s not her fault," Rita soothed

"What do you expect me to do?" I asked

Tanner stopped, planted a hand on his hip, and aier at the door "I want you to remember what it felt like the day he was taken fro to Porter right now"

"I can’t worry about Porter!" I cried "He’s my son"

Tanner scoffed and stared at me in disbelief "Okay Then I want you to think about your son Reine you are an eleven--or as it turns out ten--year-old boy and your entire family has been snatched from you Because that is what you have done to hied breath "This is an impossible situation I don’t have the answers"

"His name is Travis Or Lucas Or whatever the hell you want to call him But he is the answer This isn’t about my family or yours Nor is it about you or Porter It is about that little boy who is now caught in thewords

All of theht!" he exclaiaze on Rita, he softened his voice "I’m sorry But you know it’s true"

"Go!" she ordered, wrapping her arms around oing to unload on you like that or I never would have brought hiht," I mumbled

"No, he’s not He’s your son, honey You deserve so like a prick"

My stoait a little too si, and you can’t tell anyone else," I whispered

"Okay, yeah Anything"