Page 9 (1/2)
He rong
So fucking wrong that rage consu the front of his shirt, I yanked hiht my wrists and squeezed painfully "I hate it as ht to the ends of the earth to keep hi to have to do Fight If you go over there now, screw this up, and end up in jail, where does that leave your chances of getting even part-tiave hi hiive you her son?"
My body coiled tight, twisting the pain and anguish into a violent fury "Because she has to!" A sob tore fro has to" My voice broke "I can’t live like this What if he needs ht? What if the call comes for a transplant and I’m not there? I swore to him that I’d take care of him after Catherine died" My shoulders shook uncontrollably "Tanner, I gave hiive hihtingtake me to her I can ether "And what if she doesn’t?"
"Then we’ll play it your way and fight it out in the courtrooet a read on where her head is at And I need to see hi to be okay He’s probably fucking terrified"
He sighed and dropped his head back against the headrest "It’s a bad idea, Porter"
"Maybe But it’s all I got"
"But it’s not!" he i me "Mark is the best If anyone can make a court see why Travis needs you, it’s hioodbye You have a shot to stay a part of his life"
"I don’t want to be a part of his life I want to be there every fucking day"
"You show up to her place tonight, try to force her to hear you out, you’re going to lose him forever And Christ, Porter? What about Hannah? She needs you at ho at the idea of telling Hannah "Fuck," I groaned, fisting the top of o ho to do sos these people won’t knohat hit them But not like this You need to play it safe No calls No texts No visits"
I groaned "I can’t"
"You have to First thing in the al tea to the police and giving the you have on Catherine until we can clear your naainst the headrest and stared at the dark sky "Do you think I have any chance of getting hi to stop until that happens I’ll call Rita, see if she can take me over there to see him I’ll make sure he knoe love him and put his hter, but I had no choice but to agree "Yeah Okay"
"You need to try to sleep,"of coffee
"I know," I replied equally as soft
I hadn’t slept all night Even with the mental and emotional exhaustion of the day, my body wouldn’t settle It seeone home around three and returned at seven
I tipped the drink to my lips, propped my shoulder on the doorjamb, and continued to peer into my bedroom at Lucas’s form tucked securely under the blankets It was shortly past nine am and he was still sound asleep
I could never explain how surreal it had felt to walk into my apartment with my son, his small hand wrapped in mine
That apartment had beenIt was too small Too sterile Too dark Too eer shrouded by darkness and I almost didn’t want hio to Brady’s And there wasn’t a chance in hell that was going to happen The one and only time Brady had mentioned it, I’d immediately shut all conversation down