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Library of Souls Ransos 14440K 2023-09-01

I considered running away Snatching the car keys and ht, and then things would be even worse fortoher what had happened, but I had no way to send it Even if I could’ve snuck out to theseen, the mailman didn’t come to our house anymore And if I’d reached her, ould it have mattered? I was stuck in the present, far froht, in desperation, I swiped my dad’s phone (I wasn’t allowed one anymore) and used it to send Emma an email Before I’d realized how hopeless she ith computers, I’d set up an address forshe was so firmly disinterested that I’d never written her there, nor even, I realized, bothered to tell her the password A e in a bottle thrown into the sea would’ve had a better chance of reaching her, but it was the only chance I had

The call cas had been packed and waiting for days It didn’t ht, or that it was a two-hour drive to the clinic--ould go right away

We piled into the station wagon My parents sat in front, and I was squashed betweenfroe door rumbled open andbegan to shrivel There really was no escaping this I couldn’t argue ed to run all the way to London, which would’ve required passports and s No, I would have to endure this But peculiars had endured far worse

We backed out of the garage My father flipped on the headlights, then the radio The s behind the paled the yard I loweredto s back the dread that was filling me Maybe I could wish an tobeneath the wheels My uncles talked across hten the mood I shut out their voices

I’m not here

We hadn’t yet left the drivehen the car jerked to a stop "What the heck is this?" I heard my father say

He honked the horn and my eyes flew open, but what I saw convincedthere before of our car, lined up across the driveway and shining in the glare our headlights, were all h, even Millard--and out in front of the in her hand, Miss Peregrine

"What the hell’s going on?" said one of my uncles

"Yeah, Frank, what the hell is this?" said the other

"I don’t know," said my father, and he rolled down his"Get out of rine marched to his door "We will not Exit the vehicle, please"

"Who the hell are you?" rine, Ymbryne Council leader pro tem and headh I don’t expect you’d remember Children, say hello"