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Library of Souls Ransos 13360K 2023-09-01

Everyone ake andin whispers so as not to disturb us We untangled ourselves in a hurry, self-conscious without the privacy of the dark Before we’d had a chance to corine with a pot of coffee and Ni, all! I trust you’re well-rested, because we’ve got lots of--"

Miss Peregrine saw us and stopped

Emma hid her face "Oh, no"

In the exhaustion and e in the saht offend Miss Peregrine’s Victorian sensibilities

"Mr Portrine set down the coffeepot and crooked a finger atthe rap for this one I stood up and s in my cheeks I wasn’t ashamed in the least, but it was hard not to feel a little embarrassed

"Wish !" she whispered back

I heard giggles as I crossed the roo, "Jacob and Erow up, Enoch," said Bronwyn "You’re just jealous"

I followed Miss Peregrine into the hall

"Nothing happened," I said, "just so you know"

"I’ us today, correct?"

"How did you know?"

"I ot my wits about me I know you feel torn between your parents and us, your old home and your new one … or what’s left of it You want to strike a balance without choosing sides, and without hurting any of the people you love But it isn’t easy Or even, necessarily, possible Is that about the size of it?"

"It’s … yeah That’s pretty s with Miss Bloo the word uneasily

"And you’re unhappy about it"

"Well, yeah But I understand … I think"

She cocked her head "Do you?"

"She’s protecting herself"