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Library of Souls Ransos 14880K 2023-09-01

All the peculiars on our side of the chase to watch theh layers of sulfurous greenriver and disappeared

A cheer went up on both sides, and a grating voice I recognized said, "Serves ’eht They were lousy tippers, anyway!"

It was one of two bridge heads that were still on their pikes "Didn’t your mum ever tell you not to swim on a full stoht reun and raised his hands in surrender, while the five who’dinto a cloud of ash the wind had kicked up

We stood watching theo There was no e’d catch them now

"Curse our luck," Benthahts could wreak havoc for years to coh honestly I didn’t realize you gave a titmouse what happened to the rest of us" We turned to see Miss Peregrine walking toward us, returned to human form, a shawl clasped modestly around her shoulders Her eyes were locked on Bentha

"Hello, Aler cheerfulness "And of course I give a …" He cleared his throat aardly "Why, I’m the reason you’re not still in a prison cell! Go on, children, tell theh I didn’t really want to insertspat

"In that case, all due thanks," Miss Peregrine said coldly "I’ll ensure the Council of Ymbrynes is made aware of the role you played here Perhaps they’ll see fit to lighten your sentence"

"Sentence?" E sharply at Bentham "What sentence?"

His lip twisted "Banishment You don’t think I’d live in this pit if I elcome anywhere else, do you? I was frarine said "Collaboration with the eneent, Al our brother for infor, his palar’s "You know I have every reason to hate Jack!"

Miss Peregrine raised her hand to stop hiain "When he betrayed your grandfather," she said to me, "that was the last straw"

"That was an accident," Bentha back in offense

"Then what becarine